Thursday, June 27, 2013

I never see what has been done; I only see what remains to be done. - Buddha

I recently saw on my Facebook page that my "Notes" showed up again. Some of them were very old and it was interesting to see the thoughts I had deemed important enough to share with the world of Facebook; specifically one post about the things I want to accomplish in my life. I wrote this back in 2009 and I was pleasantly surprised at how many things I have already completed (or semi-completed) from this list in the 4.5 years since I wrote it. I thought I would share this list and just check off or comment on certain things that I am proud of for accomplishing.

Things I Want To Accomplish In My Life (January 8, 2009)

- Travel EVERYWHERE (honestly, too many places I want to go to put them all on this list)
** Though I have not traveled everywhere, I have added and checked off quite a few places on my list. America too many times to count, Mexico 2005 and 2011, Italy and Austria 2006 (which I plan to revisit as my stay was too short!), many places in China 2012/13, Vietnam 2013, and I'll be on my way to Thailand shortly with my lovely sister!

- Learn to play guitar - working on this!
* Ok, not working on this currently, but still a dream of mine. Maybe I will take the time to actually do this one day!

- Take dance lessons
** While here in China I learned how to waltz, but I would still like to take a dance class of some sort when I'm back in Canada

- Write a book
* Still a dream of mine.. I would love to write a novel and/or children's books. I have some ideas, but may be a while yet until I have the time and courage to sit down and write something. At least I'm writing with this blog, right?

- Get a tattoo
** Currently have 3 small tattoos and plans for at least 2 more... And I thought I would only get one!

- Laugh more often
** I think I've done a good job of this! My students all tell me I'm so humourous and like a comedian :)

- Finish school with relatively good marks
** Honours baby!

- Go to teacher’s college in Australia?
** Australia would have been cool, but I plan to just travel there now. I'll be starting at UOIT in August and couldn't be happier :)

- Get in better shape—start running again
** I did start running again and I was doing some Jillian Michaels videos too for a bit there. I have no doubt I'll keep this up back in Aurora.

- Climb the entire CN Tower
* Any takers to do this with? Still haven't done it.

- Snowboard at Whistler/Blackcomb, Tremblant, Banff, and other places all over Canada, as well as abroad (and not just the US)
* Since Trevor is moving to Edmonton so soon, I have no doubt I will be making a trek over to Banff sometime in the near future. Wooo!

- Cook a turkey dinner / real meal all on my own
* I'll work on this..

- Donate blood
* Haven't been able to do this because I keep getting tattoos and piercings and you can't donate if you've done this 6 months before. Maybe when I move home before I get a new tat?

- Knit a sweater/hat
* I make no promises on this one.. I'm very good at starting this and not finishing haha

- Road trip somewhere far away
* Again, with Trevor moving to Alberta this seems like the perfect chance to check this off..

- Eat healthier
* Haha I'll try, but I'm going to be stuffing my face with all the delicious things I have missed since moving to China.

- Paint my room
** Done! Although I can't take the credit for this, I thank my Uncle Larry for all the hard work in completing my beautiful red room :)

- Get a job working with kids - teacher hopefully
** Also done! I successfully became a teacher for 8 months to 1300+ students and I see a bright future ahead of working with kids!

- Save money
* Didn't really do this... traveling is a good way to not save money, but earn experience instead :)

- Plant a garden
* When I have my own house this will be a little easier

- Bungee jump or sky dive
* Should have done this in Macau off the Macau Tower, but I have no doubt I will do this someday.. Maybe for my 25th birthday!

- Buy a car
** Well I didn't buy one, but I again have my Uncle Larry to thank for the little green monster last summer.. and I'll be getting one shortly for the commute to Oshawa for school.

- Learn a new language (sign language?)
* I've learned bits and pieces of Chinese, Spanish, French, and Japanese, but I would love to be relatively fluent in something other than just English (or at least able to hold a better conversation than now). Sign language and Spanish are my top choices currently.

- Ride a motorcycle
** I've been a passenger on a motorcycle and rode a moto/scooter on my own. Success!

- Start a family
* Not planning to check this off any time soon, but one day!

- Bake a cake from scratch
* I will do this in the summer. Promise.

- Own a cottage
* Again, one day when I'm older I hope!

Dream big :)

I have many things to add to this, but my goals have mostly stayed the same over the years. I know I have changed considerably since writing that, yet I can see that I am consistent in what I want in life and this is kind of uplifting to me. Sometimes I feel lost and only look at what has yet to be done rather than appreciating the accomplishments I have already triumphed in. I haven't been afraid to follow my dreams though - even if it meant chasing them across the world. I'm not always the quickest to achieve my goal, but I know that I work hard and I am persistent and determined to get where I want. My students this week have reminded me what it means to be looking at your future without considering your long, but rewarding past; I can sit back and appreciate what I have done, what I am doing, and what I have yet to do.

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